
A Level English Reading GroupA reading group for A-Level English Literature students to explore different interpretations of our core and wider reading American Literature texts in print and film. EveningG8Mrs Johnson
L6 - U6
Art support - portfolio/NEA work.Extra time for GCSE and Sixth Form Art students to work on portfolios and exam preparation. EveningF27Mr Johnson
F4 - U6
Cricket (Forms 1 & 2)Modified games of cricket on the astro. EveningAstroTurfMr Skeen
F1 - F2
Extra GermanA Level German (continuation of the A level in one year course) and GCSE German for Dair (options won't fit) EveningG1Mr Caddick
F4 - F4
F3+4 CricketCricket skills,drills and games, in preparation for the competitive season.EveningSports HallMr Massie
F3 - F4
Form 6 individual activity (Monday)Whilst sixth form students are most welcome to select any enrichment activity available to them, they are not compelled to do so. If nothing appeals, please select this option. Evening6th Common Room Self Study
L6 - U6
Jigsaw ClubAvoid the cold, wet, dark evenings and join your friends in the library and try and complete a 1,000 piece jigsaw. EveningS1Mrs Gettins
F1 - F2
Level 2 Extension Certificate in MathsFor those taking the re-sit GCSE Maths. EveningG12Mr Dodd
L6 - U6
Raspberry Pi - Coding ClubUsing engineering and coding skills and a Raspberry Pi microcomputer, you can put you ingenuity to the test to come up with inspiring solutions to global challenges. The theme for this year's competition is "Building a positive human future." EveningS17Mr Westthorp
F1 - U6
Roleplaying Games - Kids on BikesCome along and explore the weird and wonderful world of RPGs, a different kind of game where players use their imagination and storytelling abilities to explore other worlds. Perfect for fans of Stranger Things, this game features characters who are kids, and who ride bikes, as they explore mysterious events happening in their town. EveningC1Dr Dalrymple
F1 - U6
School NewspaperRead all about it! Be part of a team responsible for producing an independent newspaper for LTS - by the pupils and for the pupils. Every element of the newspaper will be driven by you - the layout, content, production, and all editorial decisions. This is a chance for you to be part of a new and exciting element of school life, and to learn skills that can lead to a range of careers after school too. Please sign up to all school newspaper enrichment slots if possible. EveningS16Mr Crowe
F1 - U6
Science Supported study - BiologyGCSE and Alevel Supported Study EveningS23Miss McCalvey
F5 - U6
Senior Pickup (Monday)Please select this option if you wish to leave at 4pm. Only select this if you are being picked up at 4pm (not taking the school bus) and don't forget to tap out with your key fob. EveningHome Senior
F1 - U6
Study (Monday)If you have a long bus ride home, then why not make a start on your homework? EveningS25Mrs Ward
F1 - F5
Supported Foundation Maths GCSE ( Mon)Extra help for pupils with GCSE FOUNDATION Maths concepts. EveningF16Ms Redpath
F4 - F5
BasketballRecreational basketball LunchSports HallMrs Arnott
F4 - F5
Form 5 GCSE Maths Higher Tier Tutorial assistanceDedicated to assisting those who are sitting their GCSE Maths in summer 2025 LunchG12Mr Dodd
F5 - F5
Girls' HockeyAn additional training opportunity for hockey team membersLunchAstroTurfMr Massie
F1 - F3


A-level ChemistryA timetabled lesson.EveningS25Mrs Ward
U6 - U6
A-level DramaA timetabled lesson.EveningC1Mrs Hutton
U6 - U6
A-level Further MathsA timetabled lesson.EveningG13Mr Davie
L6 - U6
A-Level GeographyA timetabled lesson. EveningS15Mr Ibbetson-Price
L6 - L6
A-Level SpanishA-level lessons in Spanish. EveningB2Mrs Mayhew
U6 - U6
ArcheryArchery is the art, sport, practice or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. The word comes from the Latin arcus. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. A person who participates in archery is typically called an archer. EveningSports HallMrs Handley
J6 - U6
DT Open WorkshopMr. Westthorp will be opening the workshop for you to make use of the various tools. If you have an idea for a project and you can draw a picture of it, then come along and make it. EveningD1Mr Westthorp
F1 - U6
F1+2 Boys' RugbyAn opportunity for extra training and preparation for 7's season EveningBack FieldMr Massie
F1 - F2
Form 4 GCSE StatisticsFor those in Form 4 who have chosen Additional Maths as an option. This is the third of their three lessons per week. EveningG13Mr Dodd
F4 - F4
Form 6 individual activity (Tuesday)Whilst sixth form students are most welcome to select any enrichment activity available to them, they are not compelled to do so. If nothing appeals, please select this option. Evening6th Common Room Self Study
L6 - U6
GCSE MusicA timetabled lesson.EveningG16Dr Hardy
F5 - F5
Mindful ColouringQuiet, mindful colouring to relax after a day of working hard EveningF16Mrs Jones
F1 - F5
Model UNThe United Nations (UN) is a diplomatic and political international organization with the intended purpose of maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, achieving international cooperation.EveningS16Mr Crowe
F1 - U6
Science support - PhysicsFor KS4 and KS5 students looking for support with their science work, particularly physics. EveningS21Mr Woodrow
F3 - U6
Senior Pickup (Tuesday)Please select this option if you wish to leave at 4pm. Only select this if you are being picked up at 4pm (not taking the school bus) and don't forget to tap out with your key fob. EveningHome Senior
F1 - U6
Study (Tuesday)If you have a long bus ride home, then why not make a start on your homework? EveningLibraryDr Dalrymple
F1 - F5
Supported study TuesdayA quiet space for people who would like a bit of extra support with their studies. EveningF16Ms Redpath
F1 - F5
Documentary PhotographyJoin Mr. Jones for this weekly lunch enrichment, exploring documentary photography. Documentary photography is a style of photography that provides a straightforward and accurate representation of people, places, objects and events. Over this half term, we will have trips into Berwick for shooting, learning editing, and print our best photos. A cost of £10 will cover printing, photo paper, and transport.LunchF27Mr Jones
F3 - U6
Peer Mentors drop in and chatMentors - this is the time allocated for you to drop in and chat about how the sessions are going with your mentee. Come and chat to us to let us know how you're finding things. LunchB1Mrs Westthorp
Mrs Jones
L6 - U6
Senior hockeyThose wishing to play in senior hockey team LunchAstroTurfMrs Shaw
F5 - U6


A Level GermanStudy of the set book and set film and preparation for Individual Research Project in German EveningG1Mr Caddick
L6 - L6
Car maintenance clubHow does an engine work? What should you be doing to maintain your car? What can you do yourself, rather than pay lots of money to a garage? Why not join our car experts Mr Bankier and Mr Mulholland and get to grips with the tools and knowledge to get the job done? EveningGaragesMr Bankier
F1 - U6
Ceilidh band / OrchestraCome and form the band that will provide the music for school Ceilidhs. Think traditional folk band with added drums and bass, Blazin' Fiddles style! Mr Massie leads the dancing and we lead the music. Ideal for flute, violin, piano, guitar, ukulele, penny whistle, clarinet, saxophone, drums, cello, glockenspiel ... in fact, any instrument! EveningG16Mrs Humphreys
Dr Hardy
F1 - U6
Creative WritingA small group where we can come together and create our own stories, get help, hints and tips with creative writing.. maybe even share them with each other. EveningB2Mrs Jones
F1 - F4
Forest BathingNow that the days are getting lighter, this is a chance to get outside and have a nap / read a book / listen to music under a tree in the fresh air. For more information on forest bathing have a look at the link below : EveningS25Ms Ross Jones
F3 - U6
Form 6 individual activity (Wednesday)Whilst sixth form students are most welcome to select any enrichment activity available to them, they are not compelled to do so. Evening6th Common Room Self Study
L6 - U6
GCSE DT Open WorkshopThis is an extra opportunity for those studying GCSE DT to complete their projects. This will only run until the hand in deadline (21st March). EveningD1Mr Westthorp
F5 - F5
GCSE Extra GermanDair J extra German to enable him to do GCSE German EveningG1Mr Caddick
F4 - F4
Girls Football (F1-F3)Girls football for Forms 1-3 run by Rachel B in F4 and Mr Gunn. Meet outside the sports hall. EveningBack FieldMr Gunn
F1 - F3
Knitting and embroideryLearn to knit so that you can keep yourself warm through the winter with your own, handmade garments. If embroidery is more your thing have a place in history by helping to create the Longridge Tapestry, celebrating 40 years of the school. EveningF17Mrs Handley
F1 - U6
Russian HistoryDetails to follow.... EveningG8Mrs Barber
F5 - F5
Science Support: ChemistrySupport for your Chemistry EveningS23Mrs Ward
F5 - U6
Senior Pickup (Wednesday)Please select this option if you wish to leave at 4pm. Only select this if you are being picked up at 4pm (not taking the school bus) and don't forget to tap out with your key fob. EveningHome Senior
F1 - U6
Study (Wednesday)If you have a long bus-ride home, then why not make a start on your homework? EveningG12Mr Davie
F1 - F5
Therapeutic Geography (Colouring In!)An opportunity for some Geography themed mindful colouring to promote health and wellbeing. EveningS15Mrs Forster
F1 - U6
Wednesday Revision F5 quiet supportThis session is designed for pupils with extra support needs to access help and guidance to revise quietly EveningF16Ms Redpath
F1 - F5
Badminton (Forms 1 - 3)For those wishing to play competitive badminton during the first half of the lunch break (13:00 > 13:30) LunchSports HallMrs Shaw
F1 - F3
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh (Tuesday training)This enrichment is for BRONZE students who have signed up for DofE with Mr Massie. During this session students will undertake training in preparation for their expedition. This will include navigation, cooking and camp craft. LunchX1Mr Massie
F3 - F4
Foundation Tier GCSE Maths helpFoundation Tier GCSE Maths help LunchG12Mr Dodd
L6 - U6
GCSE Geography Exam TechniqueSupport for pupils studying GCSE Geography LunchS15Mrs Forster
Mr Ibbetson-Price
F5 - F5
GSAThe GSA (Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance), is a group that provides a safe space for LGBTQ+ young people and allies. We'll set goals for the group, look back at LGBTQ+ history, learn about making zines, and look at self care and allyship. LunchF27Mr Jones
F1 - U6
Italian for beginnersItalian is a beautiful language which is very easy to learn, particularly if you're studying French or Spanish. There is also a lot to find out about Italy and Italian culture. LunchB1Mrs Westthorp
F1 - F2


A-level Design TechnologyA timetabled lesson.EveningD1Mr Westthorp
L6 - U6
A-level Russian & GermanA timetabled lesson. EveningG1Mr Caddick
L6 - L6
Athletics (Track)Practice and develop your running skills ready for Sports Day. EveningBack FieldMr Gunn
F1 - U6
Chess ClubChess players are invited to come along and get ready to participate in U19 tournaments in the North-East England competitions. All levels welcome. EveningB1Mrs Westthorp
F1 - U6
Form 6 individual activity (Thursday)Whilst sixth form students are most welcome to select any enrichment activity available to them, they are not compelled to do so. If nothing appeals, please select this option. Evening6th Common Room Self Study
L6 - U6
GCSE Chemistry exam question practiseWith GCSE Science examinations getting closer this is a chance to practise some GCSE Chemistry exam questions with a mark scheme / sample answer to take away with you. EveningS25Ms Ross Jones
Mrs Ward
F5 - F5
Music Composition & Music TheoryA chance to be inventive using the composition facilities on the Music Room computers. Additionally, we will study the theory of Music as part of this enrichment. This is for those studying music at GCSE or involved with ABRSM music exams. EveningG16Dr Hardy
F1 - U6
Netball (Forms 1&2)Netball is a ball sport played on a rectangular court by two teams of seven players. The primary objective is to shoot a ball through the defender's goal. Team work is the key to success.EveningAstroTurfMiss Bruce
F1 - F2
Quiet Room ThursdayA quiet supported study session. EveningF16Ms Redpath
F4 - F5
Rugby SkillsEnrichment run by Dair J Form 4 who would like to share the skills he has learnt at Falcons training (English and Scottish) with the younger pupilsEveningBack FieldMrs Jones
F1 - F2
Senior BadmintonThose doing GCSE badminton or wanting competitive badminton EveningSports HallMrs Shaw
F4 - U6
Senior Pickup (Thursday)Please select this option if you wish to leave at 4pm. Only select this if you are being picked up at 4pm (not taking the school bus) and don't forget to tap out with your key fob. EveningHome Senior
F1 - U6
STEM clubGet inspired by exploring science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) away from the formal curriculum. We will look at some fun and exciting practical activities, as well as planning and promoting events in school to support STEM as we look towards British Science Week. EveningS21Mr Woodrow
F1 - U6
Study (Thursday)For those pupils who have a long journey home, here is a chance to make a start on your homework. EveningG12Mr Davie
F1 - F5
Supported StudyAn opportunity for a bit of extra support and guidance with your studies and homework tasks. EveningS17Mrs Handley
F1 - U6
English Literature and Language HelpPop in to boost your understanding of GCSE English : A Christmas Carol, Macbeth, Poetry and Language Papers 1 and 2. LunchS1Mrs Gettins
F4 - F5


Astronomy ClubWe plan to: Learn about astronomy research and techniques Organise stargazing evenings Investigate and maintain school telescopes Look for opportunities to expand the astronomy offering at LTS EveningS21Mr Woodrow
F1 - U6
BasketballSkills development but mainly games. Round off your week in style! EveningSports HallMrs Arnott
F1 - F3
Film ClubCome and join Mrs Hutton as she takes you on a tour of some of the best films ever made. EveningChapelMrs Hutton
F1 - L6
Form 6 individual activity (Friday)Whilst sixth form students are most welcome to select any enrichment activity available to them, they are not compelled to do so. If nothing appeals, please select this option. Evening6th Common Room Self Study
L6 - U6
Friday Quiz (1 to 3)A weekly quiz, there is a news round, general knowledge and often a music round too. EveningG13Mr Lee
F1 - F3
Friday Quiz (Forms 4 to 6)A weekly quiz, there is a news round, general knowledge and often a music round too EveningG12Mrs Bryson
F4 - U6
High Voices ChoirChoral Singing for all unchanged voices. A mixture of lighter and more serious works changing with the seasons with a view to performances in and out of school. EveningG16Mrs Humphreys
Dr Hardy
F1 - U6
Netball (Forms 3&4)Netball is a ball sport played by two teams of seven players. Its development, derived from early versions of basketball, began in England in the 1890s. Games are played on a rectangular court with raised goal rings at each end. Each team attempts to score goals by passing a ball down the court and shooting it through its goal ring. Players are assigned specific positions, which define their roles within the team and restrict their movement to certain areas of the court. During general play, a player with the ball can hold on to it for only three seconds before shooting for a goal or passing to another player. The winning team is the one that scores the most goals. Netball games are 60 minutes long. EveningAstroTurfMiss Bruce
F3 - F4
Senior Pickup (Friday)Please select this option if you wish to leave at 4pm. Only select this if you are being picked up at 4pm (not taking the school bus) and don't forget to tap out with your key fob. EveningHome Senior
F1 - U6
Warhammer 40k and Kill TeamIn the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. If you would like to play these sci-fi wargames then sign up here! Everything you need can be provided but if you have your own teams or armies, bring these along. Beginners and experts welcome, and everyone in between. EveningG8Dr Dalrymple
J6 - U6
French conversation for GCSEPractice makes perfect! Come to this club to improve your speaking skills in French for the upcoming oral exams! LunchB1Mrs Westthorp
F5 - F5
Fun singing for MEN!You choose the songs and we sing for fun.LunchG16Mrs Humphreys
Dr Hardy
F1 - U6
Silver + Gold DofEOnly for those who have signed up for their SIlver or Gold DofE (you know who you are). LunchX1Mr Massie
F4 - L6
Sixth Form BasketballBasketball LunchSports HallMrs Arnott
L6 - U6